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Issues with In-Laws

Making a commitment to build a future with another person is serious, but some people are willing to allow their family to interfere. It might...



A Mutual Agreement

Life is full of quirks, and there are times when those seeking a long term relationship find one has been lobbed in their path. They...



A Sacrifice for Love

Planning a future with a partner involves taking into account what each person needs and finding compromises where necessary. A good partnership does this, but...



When the Timing Is Off

People mature at different rates, and those who are in a relationship might find it is a source of great frustration. Couples might find that...



Flourishing After the End

When a relationship is no longer possible, it is often due to one person making the decision. The one who did not get a say...



When Death Comes Calling

Losing a partner to divorce is difficult, but it gives people the knowledge that someone they loved is still in this world. When a partner...



Relationship with a Cheater

Being in a committed relationship takes a great deal of trust for the people involved. Each partner must avoid the temptation to break the rules...



The Disappearing Partner

Few events in life are worse than a partner simply disappearing. One day they go out for groceries, and they are never seen again. There...



Outgrowing the Relationship

People in a committed relationship generally make plans for their future as a couple. They do not usually see themselves apart, but this does happen...


One of the saddest events in the world is when a relationship breaks up. Dating and finding a compatible person partner has always been a challenge, and few people in a relationship really want to see it end. Some relationships end with the mutual agreement of both partners. They have recognized they are either not compatible, or they have grown apart and cannot continue their relationship. Those are sad but sweet partings where the partners might be able to salvage their friendship and have good memories.

Relationships where one partner has decided to end it often degrade into ugliness, and it does not matter if they cheat, lie or just walk away. A large part of the problem is that they are not willing to work out the relationship. People that make the decision to leave without discussion are generally unwilling to seek counseling, and they do not care if their partner is willing to work out the issues. They take unilateral action, as if they were alone, and their partner's feelings do not matter at all.